Environmental management

Environmental initiatives

Environmental policy

The company has shared the following policy with the group as a whole and is expanding environmental activities.
In addition, we are working on environmental activities with all-employee participation through the enhancement of awareness of all employees involved in ordering, design, development, production and delivery.

Topre Group environmental policy

< Basic way of thinking >
We promote our business activities while recognizing that conservation of the global environment is the most important issue for all humankind.
We aim to be an environmentally friendly company, strive to save resources by promoting the 3Rs of reduce, reuse, recycle, and work positively on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

1.We have established an environmental management system and each and every employee carries out environmental activities.

2.We promote the development and purchasing of environmentally-friendly technologies and products aimed at the reduction of environmental impacts.

3.We strive for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by suppressing energy use and improving efficiency.

4.We promote the efficient use and reuse of resources.

5.We comply with laws, regulations and other requirements and manage chemical substances appropriately.

6.We strive for the prevention of environmental pollution and the protection of the environment by suppressing the use and discharge of harmful substances.

7.We strive to conserve biodiversity through local contribution activities.

Environmental management system

In order to operate our environmental activities properly, we have acquired ISO 14001 certification for each place of business and have established an environmental management system.
Each place of business is continuing to implement environmental activities based on the environmental management system.

We are planning to acquire ISO 14001 certification in succession at bases that have not yet done so by fiscal year 2026.
In addition, we will promote the sequential integration of “environmental management systems” that have acquired certification at each base in Japan.

State of acquisition of ISO 14001 certification at domestic
and overseas production bases Acquisition rate of 86% as of March 2023
Japan Overseas
Sagamihara Plant Topre America
  Hiroshima Plant Topre Mexico  
Tochigi Plant Topre (Foshan)
Gifu Plant Topre (Xiangyang)
Topre Kyushu Topre (Wuhan)
Mitsuike Topre Thailand

Plan for the acquisition of certification at bases not yet certified
Japan Overseas
Topre Tokai
(Scheduled for acquisition in fiscal year 2025)
Topre India
(Scheduled for acquisition in fiscal year 2023)

*Topre India information updated September 29, 2023.

※: Climate Change Measures Dept is in charge of measures
to reduce CO₂ emissions

Environmental Improvement Activities

Environmental audits

We are striving to prevent environmental pollution in our business activities, products and services, and to enable the continuous implementation of environmental conservation activities.
We confirm from an objective standpoint based on internal and external audits whether or not the environmental management plans established in each division conform with the environmental management system and whether environmental management systems are functioning in the operations of each division, and we make continuous environmental improvement while implementing the PDCA cycle.

Environmental risk management

In order to reduce environmental risks, each division extracts environmental risks related to its business activities once a year. In order to prevent or mitigate environmental accidents and emergencies that may occur, or the environmental impacts that may occur along with accidents or emergencies, we have established procedures and make efforts to train employees and maintain those procedures.

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

We identify and comply thoroughly with applicable environmental laws and regulations. In implementing our environmental management systems, we obtain information on laws and regulations and other requirements related to our business activities and products, identify applicable laws and regulations, and communicate them to related divisions.
If laws and regulations are established or revised, if there is a change in the business environment such as the introduction of new equipment due to the launch of new products, or a request from a stakeholder, we review our systems each time.
In addition, we also conduct internal audits on compliance with laws and regulations.

Environmental education

We think that we need to provide all employees with appropriate environmental education in order to operate environmental management systems effectively, and are planning environmental education in each division.
Environmental education is divided into three categories: “self-awareness education” in which all employees learn about the deterioration of the global environment and environmental management systems; “education on environmental impacts and work” for employees who have an impact on environmental performance and compliance obligations; and “qualification education” for employees who do work that requires qualifications. We work on education planning after considering the details of business, our environmental policy and objectives, and clarifying our environmental education needs.

Effective use of resources

Waste generated from each place of business is sorted fully to ensure appropriate treatment, environmental preservation and the improvement of public health. We sort generated waste into different materials as far as possible to turn waste into resources and reduce its volume. In addition, to make effective use of resources, we improve yield rates during production and reuse detergents.
The adoption of recycled material work clothes and office clothes (50% use of recycled PET fiber) is being promoted at some bases.

last updated:2023/09/29 Update the content of the initiative