Our business partners are important for us to produce high-quality products, and we believe the building of cooperative systems is important.
The company holds a supplier conference once a year to explain the group’s current situation, strategies, purchasing policy and Topre initiatives.
We normally hold this event with the participation of about 150 business partners, but we were unable to do so in fiscal year 2022 as it overlapped with various changes in the environment, including changes of
directors. We will hold this conference in web format in July in fiscal year 2023.
We will promote procurement that emphasizes CSR and the environment, strive to build relationships of trust with business partners throughout the group, and aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
At the company’s QC Circle Competitions, we share information on quality and manufacturing processes and consider issues. We also ask business partners to present examples of their quality improvements and work with them to raise awareness of quality.
Apart from that, the company’s Parts Acceptance Division visits suppliers regularly to conduct on-site audits of manufacturing processes, provide advice on improvements, and propose improvements to the work environment.
Supply chain management
Social initiatives
Topre Group Purchasing Policy
< Basic way of thinking >
The company has shared the following policy with the Topre Group as a whole for the procurement of materials.
We build relationships of trust with business partners, promote procurement emphasizing CSR and environmental conservation, and roll-out initiatives towards the development of a sustainable society.
1. Compliance with law, regulations and social morality
We promote fair and transparent purchasing activities in compliance with related laws and regulations as well as social morality and norms.2. Environmental protection
We implement purchasing activities that lead to environmental conservation activities based on our environmental policy, and promote “green procurement activities.”3. Fair and equitable transactions
We provide open, fair and equitable entry opportunities regardless of nationality, company size or whether or not we have a track record of business.4. Selection of business partners
We select based on comprehensive consideration of quality, cost, technology, delivery time and other capabilities, as well as management attitudes and systems. In addition, we strengthen cooperation among each division, domestic and overseas bases and affiliated companies to ensure the optimal procurement of materials by using the mass benefits of centralized purchasing.5. Building of relationships of trust
We build relationships of trust with business partners through fair and transparent transactions, and promote mutual development. By strengthening trust with suppliers, we realize flexible and timely parts provision to customers.6. Information protection
We manage confidential information properly and do not disclose it without mutual approval.Strengthening of supplier partnerships
CSR procurement
The Topre Group has established the “Topre Group Supplier CSR Guidelines” for the further promotion of CSR procurement, and under the Basic Philosophy of “contributing to society through the creation of products and services using its outstanding technologies,”
clarifies its approach to CSR as well as requirements for business partners concerning human rights, labor, health and safety, anti-corruption measures and consideration for the environment, and promotes CSR initiatives across the supply chain together with business partners.
Initiatives for the promotion of CSR procurement
Through the “Topre Group Supplier CSR Guidelines” issued by Topre, we will have existing business partners understand CSR activities centered on quality, human rights, the environment and compliance with laws and regulations, and promote the diffusion and spread of CSR initiatives.
In addition, we will work on the promotion of sustainable procurement in cooperation with business partners by asking them to fill out a “Confirmation of Agreement,” including matters such as cooperation with each guideline.
Promotion of green procurement
The company has established the “Topre Group Green Procurement Guidelines” as its basic way of thinking on consideration for the environment in procurement activities, including the company’s way of thinking on carbon neutrality and a request to business partners to reduce CO₂ emissions. In addition, as an initiative at the procurement stage, we promote “green procurement,” by which we procure from business partners who are positive about environmental improvement activities, such as materials, parts and units considerate of the environment.
Business partner hotline
In order to maintain fair, impartial, and highly transparent transactions with related business partners, the group has established a contact point for business partners to report.
We promise to protect reporters so that there is no disadvantageous treatment or deterioration of the trading environment due to reporting, and handle personal information based on the company’s protection of personal information. This contact point has been established in a division independent of Purchasing Division, and the manager in charge of compliance investigates the details reported and takes appropriate action.
Purchasing personnel
The group provides education to employees towards the thorough implementation of fair and transparent transactions and the promotion of CSR throughout the supply chain, and provides regular education and training for procurement personnel. In recent years, these efforts have led to an increase in the skills and knowledge of personnel in charge of subcontracting, compliance, CSR procurement and other areas of particular importance.
In addition, we also provide education and guidance on their attitude as employees and buyers.
last updated:2023/09/29 Update the content of the initiative