Intellectual property activities

Governance initiatives

Intellectual property activities

Basic way of thinking

The group promotes the creation of intellectual property in Japan and overseas and the acquisition of intellectual property rights and uses them effectively in business. At the same time, the company conducts activities to avoid patent disputes and other risks, and to contribute to the strengthening of its development and sales capabilities.

Activities that contribute to business

Intellectual Property Division participates regularly in meetings of divisions related to intellectual property, such as Development Division and Technology Division, to discuss invention-finding activities and application strategies to promote business superiority. It also conducts intellectual property activities linked with business activities.
In addition, to create effective patents at an early stage, the division uses patent maps that digitize and visualize patent information to understand the state of applications and development directions in specific fields and create patent strategies. The division lists patents related to business regularly and shares information with related departments to consider applications for intellectual property rights (patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademarks, etc.) and their effective use.

Numbers of patent, utility model and design applications, and rights held

Development of human resources for intellectual property

There are many situations in which knowledge of intellectual property rights is required in corporate activities, and we provide education as part of compliance education, as well as education for Development Division and Technology Division to increase their basic knowledge of intellectual property and awareness of applications.
For Intellectual Property Division, we are striving for human resource development in accordance with each stage in order to enhance expertise in areas such as human resource development by external organizations, support for the creation of intellectual property and the planning of intellectual property strategies.
In addition, in order to encourage inventors to produce inventions, etc., we have enhanced our employee invention incentive system, which provides incentive payments to inventors in accordance with their applications, registrations and results for inventions, etc., as an encouragement for inventions, etc., worthy of future application.

last updated:2024/09/30 Update the content of the initiative