Respect for human rights
Social initiatives
basic policy on respect for human rights
< Basic way of thinking >
In conducting business activities, we fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, which are fundamental human rights. We raise “respect for human rights” in the Topre Group Action Guidelines, which is the standard for employee behavior, and are implementing initiatives for human rights and labor having clarified in the Action Guidelines that “In order to respect human rights and accept diversity in the conduct of business activities, the company will not discriminate or harass on grounds of race, creed, gender, nationality, physical characteristics or any other reason.”
Through this policy, we will build a system for the respect of human rights and handle this appropriately. This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Topre Group.
1. Respect for human rights
・ In order to respect human rights and accept diversity, we respect the diverse abilities, individuality and sense of value of each and every employee.・ We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, creed, gender, nationality, physical characteristics or any other reason, or any harassment that harms human rights or somebody’s personality.
・ We do not tolerate child labor, forced labor or human trafficking.
2. Responses to human rights risks
We apprehend human rights violations as a human rights risk and build and manage appropriately processes to identify, mitigate and prevent human rights risks.3. Protection and relief of human rights
We will strive for the protection and relief of human rights if a human rights violation is made clear.4. Appropriate labor management
We comply with laws and regulations concerning labor that are applicable in each country and region, and provide and manage appropriate work environments for employees.5. Education and enlightenment
We implement appropriate education and enlightenment activities for all officers and employees.6. Business partners
We ask all business partners to understand this policy, and to respect and not violate human rights.7. Information disclosure
We disclose the state of implementation of our initiatives for the respect of human rights to the general public.Responses to human rights risks
The group defines human rights risks as “risks that could infringe on the human rights of people related to the Topre Group and its business partners.” In order to ensure thorough respect for human rights throughout the supply chain, we have established items on respect for human rights in the “Topre Group Supplier CSR Guidelines,” and are working with business partners to promote initiatives towards compliance with those items. In fiscal year 2022, there were no cases involving child labor or forced labor.
Initiatives for the improvement of awareness of human rights
The company is making efforts for the improvement of employee awareness of human rights, including the prohibition of discrimination and the prevention of harassment.
In fiscal year 2022, we implemented training for employees in Japan, including group companies, and other compliance education aimed at the prevention of harassment.
Consultation on human rights
Aimed at preventing harassment in the workplace, we have set up a dedicated consultation desk to raise awareness not only among general employees, but the entire workplace, including managers. The methods for consultation are by e-mail, telephone or letter, and matters will be accepted even if anonymous.
Human Resources Department investigates information on harassment from people seeking consultation and if a case of harassment is found, considers measures to be taken against the offender and for the person seeking consultation. The department follows up with the offender and the person seeking consultation while giving full consideration to further harassment by the offender.
There were zero cases of discrimination at the company in fiscal year 2022.
last updated:2023/09/29 Update the content of the initiative